EYE Write
EYE write when God moves me.
Consumes heart that soothe hand to
pick up pen and begin to formulate
words fed by emotion.
Crystal visions in motion EYE disect
pictures in mind captured in
panoramic view.
Lines turn into one...two...three...four
My door heartfelt. Open to welcome
vulnerabilities leaked on pages,
understanding evolving stages in life
helps thee to elevate.
I'm straight
Fellow poets can relate, for words
provoke heart that beats, brain stimulation
repeat beauty of scribes, prose, wordplay
that flows on and on.
Open EYE fond of nature's twinkling
leaves, deep tranquil seas, knowledge
of degrees mind filled with info.
My flow...different
Need of me to be spiritually free fory
EYE sway in the now. Current presence is essence
of words generated long standing.
Let EYE count the ways of better days
internal heart pained, search for bliss
EYE miss sweet kiss vanished...unsettling.
My art embellishing feelings that light
paths of journey expressed through
pen strokes of own doing.
Existence forever moving transitioning
like rising tides, love that binds, third
EYE not blind, but open to receive the
God in me.
This write...a poetic soliloquy to self
that's felt deep in heart, sparked by
God's touch moving inner spirit constantly.
My fantasies...honestly creating art
that connect with open heart,expression
that part ways of understanding me.
This write candidly describe passion of
art form that brings me life.
EYE write.