Everything I could never say
So much more than a few inches
Separates me from you
In those inches lie
and miles
of social conventions. rules. expectations.
mountainous blockades
hidden in just a few inches
painfully shrinking my heart
into smaller
and smaller
I love you.
I am right next to you
But I cannot let you feel my love
Not the love itself, perhaps
But just its overwhelming magnitude
straining beyond the borders
of a minuscule room.
The closet is a dark place
where one keeps the monster inside
Sometimes, it manages to get a toe out
Horrified, you glance around
To see if anyone noticed.
They didn't.
With a sigh of relief
The monster is stuffed back in,
in the deepest parts of yourself
where no one else can see.
One day I will grow stronger
than these self-imposed limitations
And when the monster overcomes me…
I don’t know
what is going to happen.