There is not a thought that refuses to pass through my mind
Does God exist? Is life a dream or nightmare? Is this existencew worth pursuing?
Repeatedly I replay these questions, all the time
No matter how long i think, my mind isnt moving
It refuses to let go of the thought of a lost generation
We have been twisted and forced to conform
Not to believe and understand what deserves veneration
But what to wear, what to say, what to buy or who is next to perform
I think if i am really someone who will make a difference
If my path is the correct one: trying to understand and help those young and old
Becoming like MLK, Ghandi, or Socrates; just someone of significance
Then corect the lies we have all been told
We all have thoughts. We all have dreams.
But my thougts, are my blessing yet my curse
Becuase every waking moment and in every verse
i think about Everything