Everyday I Wear A Smile
Everyday I wear a smile
I go out into the sun and I shine right along with it
I'm loud and exciting, like a one man circus
I joke and I laugh with my friends
I have fun and I enjoy myself, just like everyone else
Every night, I take it off
I sit alone, with my thoughts
These are the times when I can smile for real
When I don't feel the weight of the mask by my door
But I also don't have to smile, and that's okay, and I'm okay with it
Knowing that I don't have to smile is what makes it okay for me to smile
But outside, people expect a smile, and I can't always give them one
So I wear a smile
Somedays, when I put that mask on and go outside
I see all the smiles that everyone else is wearing
And I wonder if those are masks too
I wonder if they go home and take their smiles off and have real emotions
Or if they never take off the mask
Or if they don't need one