Every Time
every time I hit rock bottom
there is a new rock bottom that awaits me
its darker there
and full of more self-hatred
than I could ever imagine
brought on to me by my own doing
it’s an endless cycle, really
hitting the first rock bottom meant self-hatred
self-hatred meant bad decisions
those bad decisions carefully delivered me to the second rock bottom
and so it goes
I can’t quite fathom how I got to the first rock bottom
hell, I don’t think I even realized I hit it until it was too late
but it felt like the end and I convinced myself that it was
until I started sinking to the next rock bottom
sinking is a euphemism
it was more like crashing into it at a million miles per hour
I thought nothing could hurt more
then came the third.
i’m still here but I’m numb
there is no light at the end of the tunnel
And if there was, I wouldn’t be able to see it from down here
All I can do is dive deeper and deeper until I disappear
the next rock bottom is waiting for me
wondering how i’ll arrive
could take me days, weeks, months, years to get there
but its yearning for me to fall deeper than I thought possible
like I have every time