Even Though You're a Sociopath
I don’t take most insults personally
They hold no weight
Slip down my back
Like rain drops
Leaving me only momentarily damp
And then I forget
Until I see that person again
Then I open my umbrella
And brace myself for a possible storm
But how do you protect yourself against a hurricane?
For my mother’s words cut through me
Like seventy five mile per hour winds
No mercy, all natural wrath
Wrath disguising love
For all she wants is for me to reform
To look at my shredded ego
And say “Enough is enough”
But like a country devastated by destruction
Support is necessary to recover
And resources seem to be lacking these days
So what do I do?
I scream back at the storm
A pointless endeavor
That at most
Increases the storm’s intensity
And the cycle continues:
Rage backed with words
“Because I love you”
She whispers
“Even if you lack the conscience necessary to love me back”
Rain that once pelted my skin turns to flames
My soul ablaze as she believes
That I hold no love for her inside
Because I love her
I won’t admit
That she’s the loveless one