People. She had a voice, that shook the walls and turned ears from miles away.
They had souls to say their last words of love, even through the terror of the night.
We, with boldness to stand up, to meet ourselves in death.
He, with goals to travel the world and touch every piece of foreign soil.
Never ashamed to tell their story, to ring their voices throughout the earth, echoing among the others.
Never sorry for who they were, who they are, who they will be.
Their message stood clear for all to witness.
Their preferences are not gay, straight, transgender, pansexual, or gender fluid.
But euphoric, joyous, adventurous, affectionate, intuitive, passionate, and HAPPY.
Choosing to love, laugh, and remember with those who gave them peace.
Your tears and sobs are drown out by their joie de vivre.
They are around you everywhere, no longer silent still beings.
Their love for you has won over a black pistol.
They are around you, in your solitude, in your mind, and in your body.
They walking with you, watching over you, your guardian angels through the pain of the night and the light of the morning.
They are your laugh, your hug, a seed you plant, a sock you can not find, a book you can't wait to finish, the songs you sing to the radio, the prayers you pray at your bedside.
In this all, I have learned one thing: the only queer people are those who can not love.