I live in a cold, cold place,
Far from the Seeing Eye.
A place where the nights are long
And the air is painfully dry.
I live in a land
Surrounded by a sea.
A sea that is filled with wandering
Souls; lost just like me.
Here is where joy goes to die
And malice and hatred
Rain from the sky.
Here resides pain and shame.
Here, the mind is retarded and the
Body goes lame.
But not there.
Never there.
There is where I want to be.
Unrepressed and always free.
A heaven where great ideas are born
And nothing is ever shattered or torn.
The nirvana where there
Is green grass on the slopes,
And nobody ever cries or mopes.
That enlightening slope will
Surely have a big tree.
Under which, I can sit, surrounded
By friends, and begin to find me.