An Essay on the Nature of the GloogenHeister
gloogenheister, gloogenheister
he's a looks a bit like a little gleister
gloogenheister, gloogenheister
he's mouth has just fangs looks like a gliester
gloogenhesiter, gloogenheister
won't you be my glogo geister
the gloogenheister is a little creature who likes to "play". he has just fangs loooks like a gleister.
what is the nature of the gloogenhiester?
well basically the nature of the gloogenhesiter is this: he always is juts walking around.
you see, the gloogenheister is walking around is like he ever always wanted is like he walking was to be.
the gloogenheister is just this little dude woh is just walking around anc chilling every single day and its like omg thins guy is literally just sitting here and cihlling chiling out its just ridiculous to me and to people but its important that we value the gloogenheister from what his values are wand what the things that he wants are.