Escaping (I Am...Scholarship Slam)
<p>I stand up<p><p>Getting out of the dirty wrinkled T-shirt<p>Getting away from those twisted, freezing cold bars in front of me.<p><p>There I go again--I tell myself<p> Who am I?Not this lazy baggy bear lying on the concretethis dirty, barely human walking shadow No, definitely notI was once beautiful Wearing pink bubble dresses and shinny pearls on my neck I was the center of my realm who speak and everybody focusI was the childI wasyoungand lovedI was the princess of the glorious land, who looking down at humans high above And then I grow olderMy dream shattersI am not the only one who smiles like an angelI am not the only one who is confident as a queenI am not the center of attention, who is as beautiful as your sweetest dreamsTherefore I hideFrom realityOr you may call it "Jail"As they imprison me from living my life to the fullestAnd I am tortured in the jail that I createdTortured by every whisper in my heart and every sadness coming to me like flooding waterI lay on the groundLifelessDespaired I stand up and stand up and stand upBut I am always defeatedI can not escape the jail Even if I am always escaping So after hundreds and hundreds times of tryingI stand upStumble to balance And smile There is always shadows accompanied with lightlooking at the shadows, you can forget what the light looks like I am perfection and imperfectionI am imprisoned and freeI am composed ofShadowsand the Brightest Morning Sunlight