Eraser Shavings
Easer shavings cover her desk
Accompanied by packet reviews , class notes , and yet
Knowledge falls into her thoughts at quarter till four
She pours her third cup of coffee as she tries to ignore
The constant reminder she did this the night before.
"I cant take this anymore.
Is this worth stressing out over.
Im going off 2 hours of sleep, and I look like a mess
Fuck it, I'll just stay up I guess..."
Blissful sleep engulfs her mind
The bed to her right beckons her with delight.
She SLAMS her head on the desk
But again she wakes
Determined to pass the classes,
she volunteered to take.
Eyes locked and mind steady
No twitter Facebook or Instagraming.
Just craming is all she can do.
No time to relax, sit down,
or rest
By now, the small sparrows
have awaken from their nests
As the sun is rising with it
stress is easing from her chest
The young woman exhales a breath of relief
knowing shes done her best.