I live an enviable life
A house that's a home
A family that loves and supports me
No pressure to do well
Being middle class in America
I know that my life is great compared to other's
I always know where my next meal is coming from
I don't have police or gangs knocking on my door
I have an able and healthy body
My government gives me health care
The elements are not something I face unwillingly
Famines don't touch me
I get public schooling, and opportunities for college
I try to count my blessings
I really do
I know my life has struggles
I am not always happy
My life is a miracle
If I want to improve my situation
I should go and do something about it
There are fights going on in my country to keep it great
I should join the fray
How many people would give up their lives to be in mine?
How many people already do that?
How many people have died to make it this way?
How can I continue their legacy to make my country great?