Enter Dystopia
Part I: Welcome to the Future
Among the green leaves and trees
Lies a tomorrow so grey, it may seem as a sin
For those who may not seem to care
Have a harsh reality to face
No more blues, the sky won’t be lit
No more reds, the sunsets won’t exist
No more greens, the plants won’t have any effect
Only greys, to which the planet will turn on itself
Get ready for a future that doesn’t exist
Unless one makes a choice that will fulfill all needs
Prepare to enter the worst of the badlands
Those as dry as far as the eye can reach
To make a difference, be ready to care
To make a choice, be ready to share
To make a commitment, be ready to pray
Above all, have faith and be fair
Cause if there is no sun
No sky
No tomorrow…
Prepare to enter dystopia