I can see dead eyes stare back at me
In the hallways of Hell
Skin and bone and exhaustion
Hidden behind eyeliner and lipstick,
Hunger ignored for the sake of love
That won’t last more than a night,
I can see regret and temptation in high school girls as clear as the sun shines,
Clouds of death hanging over their heads and
Others telling you you’re too young to feel like this
And you wonder if it’s a scam
That you managed to trick yourself
Into believing you feel
Abused and used up and crushed
Your body drowning in sorrow
That you’re no longer sure is real
It’s very real
These scars of war you wear
Are yours
And they’re very real
Pushed to the edge you have no other choice
But to jump into death with open arms and peace
All we want is peace
With ourselves
To love ourselves
And to be loved by other for loving ourselves
We may be young and feel this way
But why did you let it get this far?
When we asked for help and you turned away
Looking back when we’re gone
Wishing you believed us when you had the chance
We live in a world where beauty
is valued more than health and acceptance,
when it’s valued more
than life and safety
this is the world we walk
and we say change is good
well it’s time to change now
for the better
It’s okay to wake up and not wear make up
This mask some of us put on
You’re beautiful without it
Using beauty as a stepping stool to society
Love yourself as much as you want someone to love you
Because you deserve it
We are worth more than what we percieve
We are worth more than our cuts, slashes, and bruises,
More than our past, failures, and missed opportunities
More than our memories of should have,
Could have
Would have;
More than the holes in our body
and the death beneath our skin
we are more than our disorders,
the pills we swallow
and the food we do or don’t eat
we are more than our bumps, our curves,
and the size of our jeans
and we deserve the love we want and need
from ourselves
if we don’t love ourselves; it doesn’t matter who else will,
only you matter
These same girls that walk the halls with broken down souls and used up strength
Will only walk on life with similar emotionless gain
And it’s time to teach these girls, these young women
that they are enough,
that you are enough
Because you only have ever been