Breaking down
Feel the reality I see
Grieving goodbyes
Instant lies
I was not enough.
Hands holding tight
I lost sight
Through the cracks
Lost in my haze
I thought I found you.
Sweet humble eyes
Your heart empty
I fill you up
I’m lost in your disguise.
Keep loving
That’s all I know
Receive what you give,
When given the world
You gave me pain.
I build you up
To break me down
Beat, broken,barren
I am left alone. I
Just give it time
They will come.
My feelings flow faster
Just give it time
Your feelings will come.
Waiting, waiting, waiting
Months go by
Just give it time.
Mind says yes
Heart says no
Rejected once more
No longer I cry.
Cycles of pain
Only come from your way
I am enough
Worthy of the world
How could you not visualize
The ethereal queen
Your majesty to manifestation
Our dreams come true.
Thrown away, you let go
You don’t want royalty
No longer I grieve these goodbyes
The loss you’ll feel
I am enough.