The endless job
Blinngg!! blinnnggg!!!
My alarm pulls me out of my dream and exposes me to a cold shower.
I prepare breakfast then, check my schedule for the day while packing two lunches.
Meanwhile, my boss is snoring in bed.
I wish I could just quit sometimes but instead
I go to him and drive him to work while he's blaming me for his tardiness.
At noon, I bring him his lunch, trying to be invisible to his partners so I don't embarrass him.
After a long day rushing up and down to cook his food and organizes his future,
all I want to do is quit this job and dream endlessly but I don't
I stay with him half of the night to assist him with his work.
The weekends come and go but they are no longer mine
since he always have meetings that I have to attend with him.
Holidays would be gruesome if I don't reduce my savings to buy him exactly what he's expecting.
His birthday is not to be forgotten.
24/7, 365 days per year, I am always the first on the list to comfort him when he's sick or hurt,
assist him when he's out of ideas, and lend him money when he needs it
I wish I could just quit sometimes but instead
I wake up every morning to the same routine.
I work my butt off but never earn any money
Not everyone can do my job
All is born with the requirements to get the job, most apply for it, a lot get it, but only certain of us is good at it.
The day I got this job I knew I was going to do anything to please my boss
I knew I will have to work for him with no breaks, no excuses, and for absolutely no money for the rest of my life.
No matter how bad it gets
I know I can't ever quit this endless job
I know I can't ever quit being a MOM.