End justifies the means

Out of all the things I’ve been through and done in my life
I’m glad I finally have a calm place to lay my head at night
Not having to worry about the need to fight or flight
As each day that passes I’m filled with exponential amounts light
The past has given me many amazing moments of insight
Becoming a better person everyday in my own right
Though for a thousand minutes I was scared to try
The thought of living through all of this, almost makes me cry
Wondering why, I sometimes am even still alive
I continue to put one foot in front of the other and strive
Wishing I knew exactly how my futures going to align
With all these important and minute things running through my mind
Eventually everything that’s happened will coincide
And for once maybe, I’ll be able to sleep alright
But for now I’ll just bury myself in this unknown life and stride
Hoping that the end, will justify the means in it's own time...

This poem is about: 
My family
My community
My country
Our world


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