End Game
The wind blew gently
Tears fallen as she eyed the grave
The grave of a fallen friend
a fallen friend who betrayed her
Betrayed his friends
Betrayed the city
Yet most of all
He betrayed her brother
Her brother who stood at her side
Watching in pain and fear
Their eyes gazing into each other
Crying as he took his life for them
She was the only one who hadn't visited him
acknowledging the result of his choice
Her friend didn't deserve to die
Not in the way he did
So she said farewell
wondering where her own choices will take her
Perhaps she'll join him
R.I.P Gareth Gwydion (1998-2014)
The wind blew once more
The female crying at the tombstone
Soon after Gareth
A new face left this world
Her mother
Her mother who she never bonded with
Stop saying that she loved
Turning her back on her and her heritage
The heritage she didn't wish to have
A wish that couldn't come true
The wind blew once more
She turned her back on her mother
Parting was such sweet sorrow
A farewell was in order
However, she was lost for words
How to say farewell
Wasn't a farewell just a new beginning?
One her mother was taking
Leaving once her more
The female couldn't stand her heritage
The heritage
One that brought death to whoever
Wherever she went
The curse that would never end
A gun pointed to her head
She had to end it all
End all the dead
End all her misery
Misery that caused more misery
Misery that would last forever
or at least until death do her part
It was a gift
Some gifts take the form of a curse
She wrapped a finger around the trigger
Biting her lip tenderly
Tears falling her eyes
Gareth died in battle
Her mother died of a heart condition
She had caused many more tragedies
Her very existence led to pain
Pain that she couldn't handle
Couldn't be responsible for
She couldn't the blame anymore
The blame for murders
Murders that were caused by her life
A life she didn't want
As she started to pull the trigger
She felt someone's arms around her
He linked his arms around her
Bringing her closer into his soft chest
her lover removed the gun from head
Kissing her gently
She struggled to break his grip
To end her life
To end the pain of others
To end the pain she brought
Yet he held her tighter
Kissing her even more
Showing her the love she needed
But so badly rejected
Rejecting her tears she fought
Fought to end herself
To keep another soul from dying
Dying because they knew her
Knowing her was a curse
Her lover knew
But he didn't care
She was the single most important thing he had
The one who gave him hope
Hope to carry on
Hope that tomorrow will be better
He whispered into her ear 'I love you, Rakita'
A young boy appeared in her mind
He smiled and laughed with her
Being held snuggling in her arms
Nuzzling her head against his
He snickered as she kissed his cheek
A kiss like a sister would to be little brother
That all he was to her
A brother
A brother that she let downs
Another in the sea of death
Gone simply for knowing her
Knowing her was a sin
An unforgettable sin
Then she pictured the boy screaming
Flames encasing his soul
His very skin melting away
Melting away as she cried out to him
Extending her hand for him to reach
Reach out and keep living
Living so he could find love
Love he couldn't safe him
Burning in hell for eternity
She cried harder
R.I.P. Kite Bell (2001-2013)
She sat there within her lover's arms
The wind blowing ever so gently
The breeze brushed against her face
her eyes closed
It was now her time
Time for the song to end
The song of her life
It brought her joy
Her loved ones that remained were safe
Safe from the sin of knowing her
A sin her lover ignored
To him it was a gift
A gift to know her
To the strong and proud soul she was
Strong enough to face a God
And defeat it
He whispered into her ear,
I love you
Thank you for existing
You gave me a reason to exist
To exist in this sinful world
Being the light of purity
Shining through the darkness
Overcoming it every time it stood
She was his hope
She brought him through all the darkness
All the struggle
All the evil they faced
He kissed her head one more time
She said she was tired
That she wanted to sleep
Her journey ended here and they knew it
He held her tighter, whispering into her ear
To rest
That he'll be by her side for eternity
As life slipped from her, she eyed him
This wasn't her end
This was the beginning of a journey
One that she must follow
At that moment her heart stopped
Her lover kissing her endlessly
He knew her curse
That she was the angel of death
Yet he didn't care
Soon he buried her
frowning as his lover pass away
Her tombstone a constant remainder
That their best days were behind
He glanced at the tombstone reading,
R.I.P. Rosalina/Rakita Gato (1993-2014)