Politricks at its best
Hollowing out our minds
Arguing our insignificant things
Right and Left Wings
Illusions they cast
Systematically undermining the poor and middle class
Evading the plight of the mass
Everything they say are deceptive
Silencing the truths perspective
Advertising subliminal messages
Never for the greater good
Destruction is where they are taking the nation
Serving the commands of the despicable Serpent
Crafting laws that strangles the common man
Reaping the little money that we have
Injustice is justice in their eyes
Bought with a price they could not refuse
Seeds of the Serpent one would be bemused
Occasionally they weep crocodile tears
For us to think that they are sincere
Take time out and think
Overstand the situation the world is in
Do not be deceived
Ancient dark powers are at work
You all need to be aware of…