An Empty Bottle of Sadness
Do you ever look into the mirrror and dream what if? Well, that is an everyday reality for me. Let's take a step back for a moment, in 2013 I graduated from high school, I just knew that despite all the people in my family that was happy for me, only one person matter during that entire graduation: my grandma. You see my grandma raised me ever since I was about six months old, she was not just my grandma, honestly she was my mother. So when I had decided to go to college, I wanted to go to Lipscomb University where I know I was going to get the best of the best. Everything was going well. My grandma and I had decided to try and allow me to live on campus. You know to make friends and I was not to keen on during, I was perfectly happy, I did not need any friends. Lipscomb was offering a great financial aid packet. So mid semester I discovered not on had Lipscomb took part of my scholarship away but that I was forwarded a bill of 4,762 dollars for dining and staying on campus and when I talk to financial aid that said there was nothing left to do and the decision was final. Now, as I think about it Lipscomb probably knew there was no way I could pay them. The next morning I went to classes as usual, later on that I was calling my grandma to let her know that I had to pay up the money that I owe or drop out. The choice was not all that lightly to make, I cry all that night as I was packing to go back home. And I knew my college dream was officially over. My friend, who later became my boyfriend was just as devasted as I was and he just could not graso his head around it. After I had finish taking all my finals,many students were going home for Christmas break. It was finally time for me to say goodbye to everything that had filled my world for a short time: freedom, friends, and more importantly school. Now as I sit here and type this story,about a future that was so full of promise. I know that my world is no longer a world of hopes and dreams but it's a world consume with crying, trying to find scholarships but to no avail, and praying and wishing for a way to go back to college. And each and everyday I feels like I let the one person who matters the most to me and the only person who has truly been proud of me down: My Mother(grandma).