Emergency Room
"Do you need a doctor?"
Is what I will say.
"I'm having a stroke!'
"Then come right this way."
I give my time
To help those in need
In the local ER,
Where they all come to bleed.
Maybe a heart attack,
An infection, or burn
Whatever it is,
I assist and I learn.
I work right up front,
I stand right by the door.
To help those who limp,
Or pass out on the floor.
I seat them in a chair,
And push them around.
Off to triage we go,
"Please keep your feet off the ground."
There they will sit
Under care of a nurse,
A doctor may visit
If they're close to the hearse.
I also will handle
Any family who come
To visit their loved ones
Before they succumb.
I'll take them back
To the patient's own room.
And there they will cry
Tears of sadness and gloom.
But not everyone passes,
Many still are alive.
They leave with a smile,
And continue to thrive.
Those are my favorites,
They make my heart glow.
They teach me so much,
And help me to grow.
They give me a grin
On their way back outside.
My own little "Thank you"
For what I provide.
I comfort the elderly,
And care for the young.
I'll reassure parents,
When they get too high strung.
I've dealt with the screaming,
Being yelled at with threats
But I still do my job
And I have no regrets.
I love all the commotion,
Where so much is unsure.
And you never quite know
What will walk through the door.
But no matter what happens,
Whatever goes wrong,
You'll find me in chaos,
For it's where I belong.