Where is the feeling? The absence of loaded words But the abundance of empty emotional thought. Where is the aim? Focusing on fame from an out of focus framed image of a false future reality. Empty road traveled plenty of times Lined with the same visualized expressions and personalities masked in new facades. The beauty of thought that has nothing for where I stand at the moment. Anything to heal the mentally visualized pain of the moment. Nothing along the lines of ordinary Yet always stuck in the perception of a box. Isn't this right where I've always asked to be? The coldest contemptment... The eternal inferiority complex on the level of wisdom amongst daily interactions.. Thoughts.. Processes. Lights dim down to dull my ever-changing reality Yet the one excessively bright burning bulb located in the background reminds me of where everything lies. You can't see it. I can. Probably can't even imagine it. That's under the assumption that you refuse to venture and stray from the norm and pull together enough interest, emotion and will-power to try and reconceive and perceive the depth of my thoughts. "Nobody cares" Only I understand. Always left on a cliff but end up starting at ground zero of a whole new mountain of thoughts about a misconstrued crazy world that cascades the hopefully abandoned plains of my mind. There is only false hope here. It will always be here. That's what it's like to live now. Here. Inside the mind of the misunderstood, lost, yet guided, young man.