Electric lips
Do you feel the electricity?
Vibe in the memories.
Love making to me is elementary.
I like to make sure
it's solid as a rock- sedimentary.
Before I settle into my primary?
You'll make cacophonous noise as I amuse myself with my new toy.
Ease into my ploy.
No noise means no joy.
you feel the electricity fly off my finger tips?
With each lift and sashay away we sway into the shower where once in I begin my play.
Lights up in the bathroom:
Two lovers violate the sanctity
of each other's vessels.
The wetter the pleasure
the more erroneous the measure.
You feel the electricity float from my tip
as it grazes your lip?
Don't stop give it a kiss.
Act 1 scene one.
Lights down
I make love like this.