Election Day
I’m pressing the barrel
of a gun
to the temple
of the face in the mirror
and shattering the fragility
that has so often
in my bed.
I’m pressing the barrel
of a gun
to the temple
of the face in the mirror
and waking up to the notion
that freedom
is not situated where we stand.
We will have to run,
hard and fast.
We will have to
shoulder to shoulder
with an enemy,
to whom
our defeat
is familiar.
Let ink drip
from my fingertips
like blood.
Let me speak
the words
no one will say
before crowds,
before amphitheaters.
And let us hold hands with
the choices
we have made.
Let us hold hands
beneath the burdens
we have carried.
Let us set down
our guns
and face the flickering reflection
of who we are.
Let us face,
with temerity,
the memory of who
we are supposed to be.
Not this.