Eighteen Birthday Transformation
The days before my 18th birthday,
I dreamed about the person I would become
When I finally transformed into an Adult.
I would wake up each morning at seven-thirty,
Make my bed prim and straight
With no wrinkles or displaced pillows.
I would take a shower no longer than five minutes,
Dress myself elegantly in a silk blouse, khaki pant,
And maybe I’ll finally wear one of those pretty necklaces
That I keep receiving, but I never wear.
I’ll gracefully walk downstairs, and cook breakfast.
The kitchen filled with aromatic smells of bacon,
Eggs sizzling in the pan, toast leaping from the toaster.
I will eat and not to get a single speck of crumb on my shirt.
While I read a newspaper and complete a crossword puzzle.
And I will go to school, with all of my assignments done,
Driving the car myself, arriving about ten minutes early.
Because I will be an adult.
And then I awoke the very next day after my birthday,
Surely, my adultness had time to cultivate and blossom.
I woke up to my alarm at seven forty-five.
Only to hit snooze and roll back over till eight.
I did not make my bed, and when I finally stumbled
into the shower, I took eighteen minutes,
I dressed myself in a Pokemon t-shirt and pair of shorts.
And of course, I wore no jewelry besides the pair of earrings
Which are in my ears every second of my day.
While playing my new videogames on my 3DS,
I ate a slice of leftover cake with a glass of milk.
The taste of the chocolate still lingers in my mouth
And all over my shirt.
At least I had my assignments done,
But I completed all of them last minute.
And my mom drove me to school,
Because I’m still too much of a wus to get licenses.
We arrive five minutes early, and as I sprint to my class
I realize, that eighteen is still a teen.
And I’m still a teenager.