Education: The best and worst days of our lives
Fall, winter, spring
Fall, winter, spring
Through the window, from our desk, we watch the rain, the snow, and alas the sun.
Five years and we have the insight to clearly see the world for what it should be.
Then ten years and all clarity is suddenly lost;
The world becomes a series of endless possibilities and the term ‘finite’ loses all meaning.
12 years we forcefully live fighting through this ever monotonous horror;
We read and we write; we humor the minutest sliver of the all too infinite language of mathematics.
All for one day;
The day the final ring trembles in the drums of our ears and fancies its rest in our mind;
The day when the simplest bark of a tree and ink from a feather
Hold our life story – the countless hours; the bold accomplishments.
Even though so small an accolade to stand for its worth,
Impulsion should find its place that we endure it again.
Content, yet depressed;
Our God-given nature to learn; to discover
Will undoubtedly surmount our infatuation to renounce.
So the universities need not find their way to our doorstep;
When the time comes – as humans – our desire for higher learning will supersede everything else,
And we, unguided by human power, will find our own way at the door of the university.