The eccentricities of life
The hot granules of sand on my feet; its shape every changing betwixt my toes.This is the meaning of childhood. The bubbly sound of laughter, delighted screams ring about my eardrums. This is the meaning of childhood. Play dates and sleepovers, secrets and charms. This is the meaning of childhood.The bigger things didn't matter, because they weren't understood. The crinkled paper of another soured report card. The disappointed timber of a parent's concern. This is the meaning of adolescence. Strained friendships and misunderstood memos. This is the meaning of adolescence. Internet videos and late night meals. This is the meaning of adolescence. Debt piled high it's end not in sight. This is the meaning of adulthood. Late nights and timely fights. This is the meaning of adulthood. Lines blurred, feelings stirred, words unheard, not a single penny splurged. This is the meaning of adulthood. Although my tone may seem dower, I refuse to give power to the darker things in life. The stressors are what give me growth even in my darkest of days and for that I am thankful. I am not the carefree child I once was but I still have that energy at heart and for that I am thankful. For all the life that I have lived, I am thankful.