Early Morning Fog
Eric Swearingen
Walking to school in the morning,
A day in fall where the fog devoured the streets
Seeing a bullfrog in the grass before the school day started
It seemed like just another day in middle school,
Bells ring
Sun coming through the fog,
Going from class to class
With the blue sky so bright.
Bells ring
Walking home now, hearing people yell
“Friday, Friday, school is out!”
Thanksgiving break is here,
Finally arriving to my house
Negative vibes fill the room.
As bad news makes me feel ill
“Dad was hit by a semi!”
Pictures on his phone
Half of his truck crushed,
He had ducked
Just in the nick of time,
He survived, but
The pictures would told otherwise
He is lucky to be alive
My outlook changed,
The fog that had devoured the streets
It had a huge affect on my dad’s life,
And I had never given the weather
Even a second thought
Every morning now,
The weather is a important point in my family's daily life
When rain, fog, and even shining sun
Is a part of our day to day.