The Dye of Dying
Imagine something that's worse than death itself. Would your image look liike great suffering, or even a terrible afterlife such as Hell?
I think of something worse than darkness. Both Heaven and Hell couldn't possibly compare to the chilling thought of it. Nothingness is what I think of. Would you ever suspect nothing to be worse than death? How about death to be worse than nothing? Nothingness. Worse than death. think on it. Your body goes numb whilst your mind is quiet. You're unable to speak, hear, think, or feel.
There is no darkness nor a white light. There is only a void of absent consciousness. You are no longer present in mind, body, spirit, or soul.
Your eyes are open, but you see nothing. You feel nothing. You know nothing. You are nothing. Life is empty and dyed in an unfathomable thought of what is to become of you. Close your eyes and dye yourself in the colors of nothing.