Driving home
Driving home with tears in your eyes. The streetlights start to become a blur so you try blinking so you can see again. You blast your favorite song and you put it as high as the radio will go. Who cares if it's too loud. You roll down your window and let your hand pierce through the wind. Flowing between your fingers, you can just feel the earth beneath your wings. Your heart hurts and once again you feel alone. Everyone's left you and tonight you had to try and adore the blue and orange and pink sunset all by yourself. And when the clock hits 11:11 you've still got tears in your eyes. At first you were driving home but now you're just driving. Because you're young and sometimes it means feeling misunderstood, alone, and unbreakable. It's okay to cry while you drive around in the nothingness with your favorite song still playing and your hand still flying outside your window. It's okay. It's okay to be young. So do it, because good or bad, the night never lasts forever...