Dreams Are For Suckers
Dreams are what suckers are made of
Nightmares are what I am made of
I lay in my bed with my eyes open
Mentally picturing what my ceiling fan would look like if the lights were on
I see the outline of the wooden door disappear as my father turns out the light on the other side of the wall
It’s quiet for a while
Then I hear my dog start to snore at the foot of my bed
I hear my clock ticking
It drives me insane
It’s like a faucet that won’t stop
My heart races
I hear it in my ears as I listen for the monster
Then it stops
Everything is silent
My door creaks open
It sounds like giant stepping on the rotting wood of a four hundred year old house
I stare blankly at my ceiling
From the outside I am sleeping, all is calm around me
But in reality, I am shaking
Yelling in my mind
“It burns” I scream
As the monster digs its claws into my stomach
But this time it was real
It smelled of searing flesh from the burning hands of the monster
This time it wasn’t a monster
This time it was me
I hear my mother scream
And my father call the police
For I realize
I have done this myself
I am my monster
But I took it to far
No more nightmares
And no more dreams
Dreams are for suckers
And suckers are for me
-Makenna Watts