Dreams are for children
Dream of a beautiful world filled with wonder
Dream of a home, a roof to live under
Dream of a time and place children roam free
Dream of a moment to be proud to be me
But dreams are for children.
Dreaming of a world where justice reigns
Where a ring is no longer compared to chains
Dream a place where there is no need for written stuff
But the words of men, that should be enough
But dreams are for children
I dream of a place where love is true
I imagine a long happy life with you
I pray for a world that hands out second chances
Without having to put up any kind of circumstances
But dreams are for children.
Dream of a universe with no ill intentions
Dream of countries without border tensions
Dream to be free from papers or metals
Where everyone's fights are equally settled
But dreams are for children.
Dreams are for those that overcome nightmares
All those worries, our everyday life scares
Do we pay the bills or get something to eat
Do I keep moving forward or accept defeat
But dreams are for children
A child's beautiful dream
wonderfully, undeniably naive
Never thinking about what's to come
Or ever thinking of the possible outcome
Only thinking about how today is great
Rain or shine, he knows that fun awaits
Knowing today is the last certain day
Where he can love, eat, shout and play
A child's dream, nothing more pure
And he knows it well, of that I am sure
Because he tells me "but why are you mad?"
"There isn't enough time to left to be sad"
A child cries, but forgives in the next hour
But we can't do that and we stay sour
A child falls but he never stays down
Our hearts shatter, and in tears we drown
I feel confused, what about this is so hard
To understand, to take this to heart
To dream of a beautiful reality
To change of this rotten mentality
So dreams are for everyone