A Dream Deteriorating
I was so sad
To be denied from the school for me
All my hard work hadn't paid off
I felt smaller than a pea
I lived life a bit gloomy
Did not make the most of my day
Wasted precious minutes
Sleeping my life away
I dreamt of a magic turtle
Who came to me to say
"What are you doing?
Get up and try again!"
I woke in a frenzy
But I knew exactly what to do
I grabbed a pen and paper
And wrote away all noon
As soon as I finished
I was so proud of my work
I put it in an envelope
And gave it to my postal clerk
A couple of weeks later
No longer feeling gloomy
I got a curious call
From a certain University
"We'd like to offer you admission"
Oh joy the words I wanted to hear!
My dream is coming alive
My sad days no longer near!
And so that day I'll always remember
And my dream comes true this September!