Don't Tell Me to Fly
You've taught me to think,
To analyze, to be objective, to be curious, to ask questions,
You've taught me to evaluate,
To problem solve, to give ideas and suggestions,
You have taught me to love,
To be accepting and forgiving,
You've taught me to do what I believe to be right,
Whether or not it's the popular thing.
You've had sixteen years to teach me,
And it's true you have yet a couple more,
But now that I'm testing these wings of mine,
You are what is making it impossible to soar.
You say to me "fly"
But your worry holds me back.
You say to me "fly"
But I'm tethered here, trying to prove yet again that good judegment is not something I lack.
You say to me "fly"
And my frustration festers
You say to me "fly"
But it has become nothing more than a routine gesture.
So stop.
Do not tell me to fly.
Don't tell me to fly if my opinions must match yours.
Don't tell me to fly if my future must be one you have approval for.
Don't tell me to fly, because it's just become a game.
Don't tell me to fly, because I'm starting to realize that your protective instincts end any hopes that things may change.
Don't tell me to fly if you won't give me that chance:
To think, form my own ideas and opinions, to decide on my own stance.
Because the sun is setting now: do you see it?
And once that golden globe slips behind the ominous horizon,
I will be on my own, whether or not you think I'm ready, whether or not you believe it.
So maybe my views don't quite match yours, and maybe you're not quite elated,
But the truth is that this is the decision I've come to, and how much I've thought about this cannot be overstated.
So you've taught me to think, to do what's right, to evaluate, and most of all, to love.
Now it's time to sit back and realize that what you've taught me is more than enough.
Because I've tested these wings, tasted the wind and its currents and stared longingly at the beautiful big blue sky.
So please, cut these tethers, let me feel the wind on my feathers, and give me the chance to fly.
Because even if I crash, I can at least say that I tried.