Don't rip off my mask
It has been so many years,
so many, so many,
since I have seen my own face,
i can't do it,
i can't, I can't,
Please don't pull back the curtain,
don't rip off this mask,
I have grown close,
very close,
to the very thing I hate,
I can't do it,
Can't take the mask off,
people wouldn't understand,
they can't,
they won't,
my mask is dull,
its black as a night sky void of stars,
I prefer it that way,
I can't take it off,
can't show people that me,
me as I truely am,
is not dull,
but bright,
and cracked,
and wonderful,
I hide it all away,
my true skin,
it is too fragile to see the sun,
too unique to be loved,
I have to hide it all away,
all the laughter,
all the joy,
all the quirks,
and the habbits,
and the weirdness,
it can't be shown,
must keep my head down,
stay calm,
calm, calm,
don't pull my mask off,
you might tear my skin,
please, please,
my splatter paint isn't normal,
everyone else is one or two toned,
i'm so different,
act normal,
don't want them to hate me,
but maybe,
maybe they can see,
I don't know,
can I let them see,
do I see something,
is that rainbow,
and stripes,
and polkadots,
maybe some will understand,
maybe I can take this mask off,
i think I will,
i will, i will,
I will pull back the curtain.