Refresh, scroll, refresh, scroll;
I know by doing this it will take it’s toll.
Covet, envy, you become a green monster.
We want to post a picture too, be another flaunter.
But what we show is not who we are
My goodness, is that even his car?
Behind the filters and the crops
We find the person we tried to drop
Take away the camera and I’m an average girl.
My hair is dark brown with no natural curl.
½ Colombian, ¼ Portuguese, 1/16 Chippewa;
A cultural mix I inherited from my Ma and Pa
With no filters I’m a girl who feels the music in her soul,
Jazz or Hip-Hop, even the Blues makes me lose control.
The lyrics move me and in the beat I hear the passion,
To every song in every genre that you can imagine.
My left hand fingertips are covered with tough skin
Because of all the chords I play over and over again.
Then I open my mouth and the music comes out of me,
Singing the melody starts making me feel free.
I’m a girl who loves to make things, like with pencil or a brush,
Once I start painting or drawing my mind comes to a hush.
Ever since I was real small, I’d leave my mark somewhere,
Sometimes pretending I was a cosmetologist and cut off my Barbie’s hair.
I’m a girl who can be very independent, and want to figure things out on my own;
Take a look at one of my trash cans, and you’ll find where all the instructions were thrown.
Although I struggle to ask for help from people after all these years,
The determination built in me has helped me accomplish many fears.
I’m a girl who likes to find the easy was to get things done.
You say you need to sew something, has anyone seen my hot glue-gun?
But I’m efficient with my work, I will turn it all in on time,
And I like to do my work real well so the outcome is sublime.
With out the filter I’m a girl with two middle names;
As a young girl I didn’t like it, but I’ve grown to not be ashamed.
Instead of fighting who I am, I am learning to love how I was created.
Now I know where I’m supposed to be, something I’ve extensively contemplated.
So why are we trying to crop who we really are out?
We need to let people know what we are all really about.
Instead of using the filters to make us who we think we should be..
Use those filters to bring out the real you, the beautiful you, the one everyone should see.