Don’t Call Me Black I Am That I am
I am not black stop calling me that.
I am that I am before words we’re create by those who forgot what I know now what they lack.
I am not black don’t you call me that.
They make up these words to distract and confuse how can you call me a word that is distasteful to use.
Dark is bad didn’t you know?
Light is good isn’t that so?
Who told you that?
Let me guess the same ones that call you black.
That word is for contrast we are so similar yet the focus on something that is just noticeable to see.
If black is all colours that means there’s you in me.
I’m not black for this concentration of melanin there is different words one the combination of which is hardly ever uttered and barely ever heard.
Colour is energy it’s information.
You reflect and I absorb the only difference in us is the way the energy is stored.
I’m not black nor are you white they called it race just to watch us fight.
In a race someone must lose, I don’t understand are we meant to choose or can we win at the same time?
Thats not really how a race is designed.
If we did race no one would win your just as smart as strong we are equal, we were made together, we are kin.
Don’t call me black I won’t call you white
I won’t attribute goodness to the light
Don’t attribute badness to the dark
Energy is more than any one thing it more than what you can understand it is so many things.
Labels are just plain misleading.
Created from the same spark.
Why would they call me light and called you dark. Or do they call me dark and call you light Or is the proper term black and white.
Its colour remember information for all to see it will guide your way if your overstand it properly.
Don’t call me black thats not what I am I absorb you reflect we go hand in hand.
This world matrix can’t fool you if you stop to see what you truly are.
Your just like me.