I never meant to use a filter
I didn’t think I did.
Look at me and tell me what you see
You’ll say,
I see black hair and brown eyes
I know you’re Asian.
Chinese, right?
Just by saying this you look at me
from a different view.
I could have been anyone at the start of this poem
but now I can only be some
I don’t hide behind a blinding filter
don’t pretend like you know me
I come down hot and raw
because you know what beauty is and I don’t have it.
I look into the mirror and I see
spots, pimples, hairs, disgusting things that
We treat, We cover, We pluck.
But I’m distracting you
Distracting you from what the real problem is.
If you were reading these words on paper, would you think I was a boy?
No, because I mentioned beauty. I must be
female, vain, trite.
You gave me a filter.
I’m a girl, I’m asian, I’m ugly, and have low self esteem.
I never meant to use a filter
I didn’t think I did,
but you did.