A distinctive perception
I am a student. So I’m supposed to get good grades.
But because I’m an African American, I’m automatically set to a lower standard.
Yet, I work harder than more than half of my class
So tell me, what’s up with that?
I have a job and get paid minimum wage
But because I’m a teen, I’m supposed to spend my money on just about anything
Yet, I save all my money
Isn’t that funny?
See, I deprive from those things
Girly-girl, but you can find me in a boxing ring
Smart and educated, and strive from above
How many people like me can you think of?
Funny, kind, and sweet at heart
Can’t out do me, even with a head start
Different from the rest, but it’s a good thing, I confess
Cause while everyone stays put, I continue to progress
Have you guessed my word? I’ll give you a hint
Its comes in between except and exceptional in dictionary print
Exception is I.
I am the exception.
I am someone unique
A distinctive perception