Distant Shadow
Distant shadow
Dwelling under the stars,
Creeping from the cracks,
Guiding me, in the silence.
Shielding me with your sapphire wings.
Being unhallowed
Nor a pariah, who looms the world.
More than a stranger.
A mother in sorts
Strong and different
Loving in all ways.
Raising a family, that has blossomed and redefined life.
Although imperfect
You are loved in many ways
Being the heart of fire
Kindling sin, ratting out the blemishes
With your cunning eyes
Which were crafted by heaven
Molded together with smooth hands
As the twilight lines your perfections
Bringing life within you, as you are the distant shadow
Where all love you for you
As I remember, my guardian angel
One who watched me grow
Giving me a light, within the dark