a dis

A dis 
By Nate the sublime 
I Hate to be assertive but this is just an assertion as I assert these abysmal lyrics into your brain with just a smooth devotion there's no notion my words flow like the ocean. They are action packed hits like a skilled assassin. So I guess that'll make me an assailant as I assault you with these 16 barz you may say this is assault and battery what's the matter b are my lines asphyxiating you. Well that's how I feel when them haters throw asperions at me yea I know you run with that crew but what you don't know is I don't care who it is I will still be 
Asiduous as I assign these words to my lines so that they may assist in these subliminal hits . Yes I use assonances in my poems alot. They help me play you for the fool you are and guess what with these I hit the jackpot alot . So stop assuming you know me cause assumptions can lead you to the grave. I am so assured with my assurance that I can assure an asthmatic to smoke...his inhaler see you still assumed... okay so Im hot like dynamite I go boom my words are air to an asthmatics lungs. I leave you astoundingly dangling from the curb of life with everlasting astonishment . I asunder your brain with all these rhymes I drop make them send you to an asylum with these astronomical hard knock lyrical hits .I just throw these words out my head into the atmosphere as if they where atomized by an atomizer. They relieve spasms like atropine. So I attach my words together attentively with relentless atypical attunment. This is an attributive attribute with an attractive aura. I don't use my words lightly I throw them at you even if the doors closed. I'm cold and bitter straight down to my core so get use to me cuz you will see me some more


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