This Dimension
This is a true escape,
It really gives your life a shake,
You flourish to go to the next dimension,
And it's egregious that it is hardly ever mentioned,
Use that crystal to get there,
I abhor when people don't care.
It's a pertinent topic to me,
It makes me be who I want to be,
Some who is enlightned,
But you must be open-minded,
Just talking about it makes me excited!
It makes me feel like I can do anything,
So far as to winning things,
Those crystals are tools,
And no I don't wear them because their cool,
But yes I wear them while meditating on my wooden stool.
"All that glitters is not gold" is what I see often,
Since being weary is unfortunately common,
I revere those dimensions because they make the bad forgetten.