The difference
The leaves began to change, and the candy tasted too sweet.
I didn’t want to be around people, I had discovered the life we cherish was a one way street.
My vision was getting blurry and my head began to pound.
I still remember the crashing sound;
Of when my heart began to break, as my world was torn in two.
A divorce, is what they call it, “they’re getting a divorce, who knew?”.
Opinions altered as I watched how love walked out of lives on two feet.
Opinions altered as all the relationships in my world changed to pointless from sweet.
I no longer thought love was real, because my model for it broke to the ground.
I still remember the crashing sound.
My vision tainted with lies, not knowing what side was true.
I chose to believe what I knew;
Or was growing to know, as I accidentally stepped on a pair of feet.
Belonging to a boy so sweet.
Love is what we make it, love goes around.
In order to keep it, you make a place that is safe and sound.
Everybody’s love burns different red, purple, blue.
Even though it sometimes doesn’t last, I’ll give it my best boohoo.