What if you were gone?
Where would I go? What would I do? Who would I be?
I think I would
and cry and cry and cry and there would be no consoling me because you’d be
I’d miss the way you held me when I felt hopeless, and how
you’d never judge me, you’d just
love me
I’d miss how infuriating you were, how reliable and honest, how
genuine, how true
I think I would find others, but none of them would be
What if I needed you? What if I cracked your stone
and tore my skin and broke my bones?
Would you hear me, and come up from your wooden box?
you wouldn’t.
Your ears would have fallen off your head, your eyes would be soggy and sunk in
your clothes so thin, you would be cold
I’d call to hear your voice, but it wouldn’t
be yours
just an unfamiliar one echoing your number in my head
I’d tell a joke we had but
no one would get it, I’d tell a story about you but they’d be tired of hearing them
I’d watch a video of you
singing all the parts to your favorite record and laugh
and cry
over and over
I’ve never been good at letting things