The devil and angel on my shoulders by: Luis V
The devil and angel on my shoulders by: Luis V
The devil is on my right shoulder
And the angel is on my left shoulder
Both whispering things into my ear
The devil is telling me to slit my wrist
The angel on the left is telling not to slit my wrist
I want to listen to the angel
But the devil’s voice keeps getting louder and louder
I flicked the devil off my right shoulder
But he popped back up on my shoulder
He told me what the fu*k was that for
I’m that one voice you need and you know
You don’t need that stupid angel
Remember that demon you have
Remember he stabbed me
Remember he killed the other demons that were inside you
But the angel on the left side tels me
To Ignore him
You are the temple of the Holy Spirit
You remember those days where you heard God’s gentle voice
But you drifted away from him so much that you don’t hear it anymore
I know you’ve been desiring to hear His voice
And he wants you to hear his voice
But your life decisions are stopping you from getting closer to Him
You made the Holy Spirit sad when you cut yourself when lizzy killed herself
Now you are going on 7 years without cutting yourself
So please don't start now
Remember those times you screamed in the shower when you were home alone
Because your wrist burned a lot
So I flicked the devil off my right shoulder
And told him not to come back
I told him I don’t want to cut my wrists anymore
I don’t want to go through that pain anymore
So I command you to leave and not to come back again
The devil is furious with me and told me this is not the last time I will see him
I told him if you come back I’ll be ready to kick your @$$
Just try to bring my former demons with you
Remember I still have that demon that stabbed you
He got furious and left.
I told the angel thank you for everything
But I can’t make promises that I will start praying to God again
He said just try your best to talk to your maker
He misses you and you miss Him, I see it in your eyes
He wants to repair that broken heart of yours
And give you a new one
I cried and told him I’ll try.
I gave my angel a hug and now a peace came over me at that moment.