Destaunia Perry: To a Dark Girl
To a brown girl, burdened by her skin
Bruised by stereotypes and self-inflicted doubt
Judged by her outsides not what’s within
Often told “Take another route”
Forget the stereotypes you’re bounded by
Like Maya Angelou and still you rise
They may write you off with their twisted lies
But real eyes realize
They say “you’re too opinionated it emasculates men”
Well honey, he was never a man then
You don’t need no man to hustle and grind
You don’t need no man to waste your time
You’re called the “Independent Black Woman” who is so narcissistic
But are they mad you’re not another black woman statistic
A hypersexual jezebel or an uneducated baby mama?
A Welfare Queen that’s constantly in drama?
A voluntary Saarrtije Baartman who does it for the cash
As long as there are dollar signs you will shake that ---
I don't think you understand the value of your skin
It’s the essence of the struggle our people have been in
From race riots to rights and being hosed liked dogs
From lynchings, to effigies and being denied jobs
If you didn’t define yourself you were numbers in a crowd
No one ever heard they just said that you were “too loud”
How can any deny the pleasure of your company?
Don’t they know you’re from a lineage of royalty
Love your browness through and through
Love your browness like I love you
There is power in your darkness
Though it frightens the other side,
Discard all of your pain and anger,
Your heart’s where it resides