it’s weird to see the word staring back at me
it brings back memories
when i was crying for air
so scared
terrified that someone would hear me
and care
but i wanted them to care
when i think of looking for help
i'm terrified
they will think i'm a monster
their eyes will try to figure me out
like if i'm not who they knew
but am i not still your friend
or your daughter
but no one really knows me
i hope that when i actually get help
the worries will disappear
they probably won't
the voices will probably get louder
i'll go to the bathroom
and see blood
but it will feel good
its like this need
even though it doesn't hurt much
it helps
it's not exactly to release what i feel
its to prevent the tears
because if they start rolling
i don't think
i will be able to stop them
not this time