The Democratic Vampires
The Democratic vampires want to turn the Democratic humans into vampires, which is true;
Searching for the Democratic vampires is what Blade will do.
Blade drives his motorcycle, searching for the Democratic vampires, as you can see;
Blade will slay the vampires and I'm speaking honestly.
When Blade senses where his foes are, he stops his motorcycle, gets off of it, and runs towards their place;
Vampires are a disgrace.
When Blade breaks in and the Democratic vampires see him, they immediately try to attack the hero;
Here are more things that you should know.
Blade slays some of the Democratic vampires with his sword, which is cool;
Vampires are total fools.
He slays the other Democratic vampires with his knives and guns;
To Blade, slaying vampires is a lot of fun.
Watching Blade slay the Democratic vampires has gotten the Democratic humans pissed as can be;
The Democrats are full of shit and stupidity.
Blade tells the Democratic humans that the vampires are not their friends;
After that, Blade drives away and that's the end.