The Demand is Denied
Snow White awoke
She opened her eyes
Surrounded by friends and quite the surprise
Above her stood a strange man, his hair black as night
Broad shouldered and handsome
He was quite the sight
"Marry me" he asked to the maiden so fair
As he leaned in and stroked her dark silky hair
"Get off" she cried "Get off of me now!"
This was happening to her. Why here? Why now?
"Excuse me?" he said as if offended
"I just returned you to your precious seven
Do I not deserve a reward for my deeds?"
He insisted from down on his knees
Our porcelain skinned princess stood up in defiance
"I owe you nothing, not even an alliance"
The dwarves stood around them prepared for a battle
How dare this man treat Snow White like his cattle?
The maiden with her lips red as blood
Opened her mouth and her words began to flood
"Thank you for saving me, I really do mean it
But we are done here, finished, please leave here and split"
She preceded to march off in the other direction
The man continued to proclaim his affection
She took a few steps more and he ran
"But I am a prince" he said "and a man"
"That's nice" she said while walking away
I am not yours. Have a nice day"
Snow White walked away from the dark haired man
And continued until returning to her clan
Her friends were happy to see her but sad to let her go
They knew it was for the best, but little did they know
One day she would call on them as queen of the land
And join them again where it all began