Delusional Fantasy
She thought he was real
That man she met
Just a little while ago
How he caught her when she fell
And, man, did she fall
Fallen head over heels
For the man who caught her
Just a little while ago
She thought his kiss was real
That kiss that swooped her off her feet
Just a little while ago
How it was like she was the only one
And, wow, she was the only girl
The only girl in the world
As she kissed the man
Just a little while ago
She thought his words were real
The words he whispered softly
Just a little while ago
How he made her feel special
And special she did feel
Feeling captured and enraptured
By the man who whispered to her
Just a little while ago
She thought his touch was real
The light caresses he gave her
Just a little while ago
How she felt beautiful
And, damn, did he treat her like his beauty
The beauty to his beast
Caressed by this man
Just a little while ago
She thought it was real
He who caught her as she fell
His kiss that swept her away
His words that made her feel special
And his touch that told her she's beautiful
It wasn't.
None of it was real
It was all in her head
Her head dreamed it all up
He was just a fantasy, a delusion
Unlike Prince Charming,
This one won't show up
With her glass slipper in his hand
And a kiss upon her lips
To wake her from her slumber
Unlike sappy 80s romances,
He won't stand outside her window
With a boombox playing "In Your Eyes"
As he waits on his tractor
To ride away with her
That's all fairytale
And she won't get that.
Reality slaps her
Her fantasy guy
Vanishes into her delusional dreams
Passed and gone
She wakes to find the truth
The truth about the man
The man she fell head over heels for
Just a little while ago.